IMPORTANT: We are a site that collects information from Tattoo Studios of a Region, Town or Province, to facilitate the search for our users, we do not have relation to none of the studies of tattoos or the people who manage said companies or undertakings. So this site is only a compilation of public information from the INTERNET pretending to be a complete directory of «All about Tattoo», but we do not recommend nor do we have responsibility or co-authorship with any company or person that is dedicated to make tattoos and / or derivatives. is a blog that aims to reflect something we are passionate about: tattoos.
Administrators and Contributing Users who write articles and upload content to this site They are a group of spanish speaking people and English-speaking, with something in common; We are passionate about the world of tattooing. So we decided to create this initiative to contribute content to the Web that we find interesting and illustrative in terms of Tattoos from around the world; trying to describe each "work of art of ink on the skin" in the clearest way possible for all the public.
Today we are proud of what we have achieved, a community in which Social networks of more than 650,000 thousand people. These added to the people who find us through search engines add up to 300,000 monthly visits to our website.
We provide ideas and suggestions when making a tattoo without underestimating that the final and most valid advice will be from a teacher tattoo artist of good reputation and seriousness.
Enjoy the contents and if you have any suggestions, send them to us through our Contact Form.