Skull and rose tattoo sketches have merged two of the most enduring images in traditional tattoos. A beautiful rose flower against the background of a bony face symbolizes death and danger.
The concept of the rose and the skull is an excellent acknowledgment that with the struggle and its inevitable end comes great beauty.
The Skull and Rose sketch as a tattoo idea represents duality – opposite polar positions within the idea itself. Life versus death. Health against disease. Good against evil. Celebrating the birth of something new, since enemies or obstacles have been defeated or rejected.
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You can use a variety of skull ideas and roses for your next tattoo inspiration. You can mix the traditional Mexican sugar skull tattoo with the English Tudor rose to honor your close relatives.
In the modern world, in the days when the cult of tattoos developed and continues to develop, many would not mind getting something really worthwhile. But, unfortunately, it happens that a huge number of people, applying any image to their body, he does it simply for an outwardly pretty image.
Among all the variety of tattoo images, today you can find one skull with a rose. This somewhat surprising drawing attracts with contrasts and mixed feelings. Still, the rose is a universal symbol of beauty, and the image of the skull leads to dangerous and frightening associations.
In modern salons you can see a variety of photos of a skull with a rose tattoo, various variations and colors that determine the style of the image.
The attitude towards the skull is peculiar: some peoples saw in it only a reflection of death and nothingness, others, on the contrary, used the head of the skeleton as a talisman against evil spirits. Pirates depicted the Jolly Roger on flags to intimidate their enemies, their flag symbolizing destruction and freedom. And the Celtic tribes carefully guarded the skulls of the dead, believing that the souls of their ancestors dwelt in them. For many peoples, the skull served as a reminder of death and the transition to the eternal world, which also ensured the veneration of this symbol.
Today, a tattoo with a skull does not cause such shuddering emotions, and more and more often you can meet a tattoo of a skeleton head not only among fans of dark cults, but also among carefree glamorous girls. The fairer sex usually tattoo a skull with a rose on their back, on the back of the arm or on the shoulder. He meaning of a skull with a rose tattoo It depends on the overall composition. For example, the head of a skeleton, entwined with a rose or depicted with a flower next to it, symbolizes loss, the death of a loved one. Names are often found on such drawings.
The meaning of the skull tattoo with a rose in the teeth
You can find another option - a skull with a rose between its teeth. This symbol speaks of the carelessness of the owner, a predisposition to impulse and courage. Sometimes a similar pattern is surrounded by abstract additions or wings, a halo. This tattoo does not carry a specific meaning, it simply demonstrates the imagination, individuality of the owner and decorates the body with unusual and striking images.
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Young people also apply a skull with a rose, but tend to choose a more brutal or threatening option. For example, a skull with gloomy, empty eye sockets entwined with a rose bush; an image where the skull and the roses are small elements of a complex composition.
Also, a skull with a rose is sometimes found in prison symbolism, but the meaning of the prison of a skull with a rose tattoo is determined separately. That is, the skull means aggressiveness, courage in the face of death and cruelty, and a rose in most cases means that the owner of the tattoo reached the age of majority in the colony.
Still, there is no single definition of a skull tattoo with a rose, so all fans of this pattern can independently determine the meaning of their tattoo.
Finally, it should be said that there are 2 types of such tattoos, the meaning of which contradicts each other. A rose plucked in the teeth and an entwined rose or a naturally growing skull-wrapping rose bush are completely opposite symbols.