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Bear tattoo: sketches for men – women, cool drawings, meanings

Bear tattoo: sketches for men – women, cool drawings, meanings

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Bear – this is a strong and powerful beast, in the image of which the fierceness of a predator and true human kindness and prudence coexist. Handsome, furious, invincible, but at the same time loving his offspring, attentive and wise – this is how we see a person who is looking for sketches of a bear tattoo.

Such a symbol as a tattoo is chosen mainly by representatives of the stronger sex.

Women and women most often choose the option with a she-bear surrounded by cubs or teddy bears.

About the drawing

The type of bear, the composition and the style of application affect the interpretation of the meaning of the tattoo.

  • A snarling or snarling beast symbolizes courage, firm character and the fighting principle of the owner. This image is chosen by courageous and purposeful people.
  • A polar bear means endurance, patience and courage of a person in any situation.
  • Brown a predator in a calm position without a smile speaks of wisdom, prudence, strength and calmness of the owner.
  • Koala and panda decorate, as a rule, cheerful, optimistic and kind people.
  • A bear with offspring means maternal origin, harmony and strength of family ties.
  • Toy, teddy bears mean kindness, optimism and joy.

Bear tattoo sketches are quite universal and almost all parts of the body can be decorated with this pattern.

For men, however, the chest and the shoulder are more popular, and for women, the forearm.


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