Characteristics of a tattoo on the back
The peculiarity of the tattoo on the back is that here you are free to choose a certain place yourself. That is, in one embodiment, the tattoo can be located on the back of the head. It can be very small, or vice versa, like the tip of an iceberg, expand downward.
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At the same time, you can "hammer" the entire back with the most detailed pattern, realistic drawings of animals either birds with outstretched wings. It is the large rear area that allows craftsmen to create and create. Here, the matter will meet your taste, as well as the limits of the imagination of the master or his skill.
Back tattoo for women
The back is considered an ideal place to get tattooed. You don't have to just choose a sketch, a scale and a style direction. Also, the pain back is considered the most insignificant. The exception is tattoos on the ribs and spine. Women's back tattoos always look very sophisticated and original. And the variety of variations in its execution allows you to create a unique masterpiece that emphasizes the individuality of the customer.
Advantages and Disadvantages of a tattoo on the back.
Tattoos on the back have a number of characteristics that distinguish them from tattoos located on other parts of the body:
- Back tattoos have a huge range of possibilities. First of all, this is due to the large surface on which the master can work. Here it is possible to realize any desire of the client by immediately developing a sketch with all the nuances or filling in a small tattoo, and then create a history around you.
- The physiological characteristics of the back allow you to create tattoos of any shape and size. Regardless of orientation and volume, any tattoo will look organic. In addition, the surface of the back is less susceptible to age-related changes, it remains elastic and smooth for a long time. And therefore the tattoo will retain its original shape and appearance for a long time.
- The location of the tattoo has its own nuances. Depending on the shape and color of the tattoo, it will effectively emphasize advantageous places and correct physiological defects. For girls with broad shoulders, it is better to use sketches from a vertical orientation and not to place large objects on the upper part of the back. The shoulders narrow look more voluminous after applying large full-color paints. Curvy cuts and hourglass cuts along the back will help accentuate the slim waist.
- Depending on the location, each tattoo can also be made according to the individual wishes of the client: is located exclusively on the back (shoulder blades, ribs, back low) or intercepts other parts of the body (shoulders, buttocks, chest, abdomen). The location depends not only on the selected sketch, but also on the desire of the girl to hide or make the tattoo visible to others.
- As for visibility, women's back tattoos, unlike men's, also have a number of characteristics. A women you can fully display a large-scale tattoo on the beach. When choosing the upper or lower part of the back (the place where the main part of the tattoo or part of the drawing with the most significant elements will be located), You can bare the tattoo by choosing the right clothes in the summer. Crop tops, deep cut tops with spaghetti straps or blouses with transparent fabric on the back. But in the cold season such a tattoo will be hidden by clothes almost all the time.
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- A positive point is the ease of drawing. Working with the back is convenient for both the client and the master. After application, it will be almost impossible to treat the surface of the back on your own, and you also need to prepare for this in advance.
- Back pain depends on your personal sensitivity threshold. But in some areas, everyone feels the pain, without exception. ANDThese areas include: the spine, the ribs, the sacrum, the outer part of the shoulder blades. This is due to the close location of the bone. The correct orientation of the drawing will help reduce pain. It is advisable to place the most densely clogged parts in places where there is more muscle tissue.
When choosing a place for a tattoo on the back, you need to take into account the lifestyle, the tendency to be overweight and other individual characteristics. Tattoos on the lower back and waist are prone to distortion as a result of pregnancy, weight gain, and dramatic weight loss. The appearance of stretch marks and the flabby appearance can ruin even the most beautiful sketch.bear. Tattoos on the upper back, from the middle of the ribs to the shoulders, are less prone to age-related changes and do not react as much to changes in the user weight.
Popular styles of tattoos on the back of women
The back is ideal for dotwork paintings. Large, multidimensional drawings, consisting of many separate dots on any other part of the body, will not shine with the same beauty as on the back. Muscle relief, body rotation and foreshortening will each time open the edges of the image in a new way, involuntarily captivating the viewers. eyes of others.
The second popular style for the back is realism. It is relevant for large-scale tattoos. Large landscapes, animals or portraits are rendered in a realistic style. for sketches of little size or paintings consisting of a large number of elements little ones and distant, images are used in 3D. The style is perfect for a flock of butterflies either birds, flying ladybugs, miniature bouquets or skulls.
Black work is more typical for men's back tattoos, but with the right choice of a sketch and its correct placement, even this gloomy style will look stylish and interesting. So that the drawings do not look too massive, sketches in graphic style are chosen.
Biomechanics is predominantly male, but lately women resort to it more often. The most common places for its incarnation are the shoulders and the back. In the second case, biomechanics is sometimes combined with other, more feminine styles. The result is unusual and original tattoos.
Typically feminine: watercolor. Basically, this is the style of romantic and sophisticated ladies. Combining watercolors with strict styles, they get original solutions that are distinguished by restrained infantilism and do not cross the threshold of brutality inherent in men.
Contrary to popular belief, Japanese-style tattoos in the European part of the continent are applied more often by women. Multicolored dragons and cherry blossoms are some of the most popular designs for female back tattoos. Neotradishnl is constantly gaining popularity and the best place for it is the back area.
The choice of style will largely depend on the choice of the sketch, as well as the capabilities of the master. A real professional will always help you determine the direction of the style and tell you in which version the drawing you like will look more impressive.
Sketches of female tattoos on the back
Sketches of female tattoos on the back depend on the imagination of the client and the skills of the artist. Pretty much anything can be incorporated into an area like the back. At the same time, the leading positions among the most popular sketches from year to year are occupied by:
- Butterflies This is the most favorite female theme, which is combined with other drawings and used in its purest form. It may be a large, solitary individual or a flock of moths. colors bright. In the first case, the "peacock eye" is more common, one of the most remarkable and popular insects in the whole world.
- Women's tattoo wings on the back are the second most popular theme with an endless number of different options for execution and presentation of the image: angel wings in plumage spread over the shoulders or folded along the spine. The wings of a fluttering dragonfly or butterfly. Leathery bat or dragon wings. The tattoo can cover the entire back or the shoulder blades. Basically, for the representation of such drawings, they resort to a realistic style or a 3D image.
- The wings do not always act as an independent frame. Sketches in the form of winged horses, unicorns, elves, fairies and other elementals are very popular, creating a halo of mystery around the owner.
- Hearts are no less popular, changing the semantic load depending on the style of the image and additional details. Winged hearts speak of girlish romance and passion, but hearts pierced by an arrow are a sign of unrequited love. An interesting tattoo on this topic will look in the style of traditional or trash polka.
- No less in demand are female tattoos on the back, patterns in the form of a mandala, but the ornaments of various tribes and peoples on the female body are much less common.
- As for the Indian theme, all kinds of symbols of strength and faith, as well as various variations of the image of dream catchers, are popular. Most often, this tattoo is applied to the center of the back from the neck to the waist.
- Flower arrangements are rarely used in large-scale paintings. But they are often present on the back of women by shaping the shoulder blades or the lower back. Gently curved floral vines that cross the female's back diagonally are also common. The most popular are roses, orchids, peonies and other plants with large inflorescences. Although, in this case, everything depends solely on the preferences of the owner.
- For those who decided to fill the entire back with strength, natural and space landscapes, images from cinema or history become an ideal option.
Also among the popular themes are flocks of birds, cats, lions, foxes, skulls, images of angels and demons, etc. But it is worth remembering that the above examples are a guide to choosing a direction. Each sketch is a unique and individual image.
Back Tattoo Care
The main disadvantage of a back tattoo is the difficulty in caring for the pattern in the first few weeks. It is problematic not only to apply a healing cream, but also to wash the wound with a special soap solution. It is forbidden to use cloths to remove excess paint and protruding lymph, and it is impossible to reach the tattoo with your hands. At the same time, it is necessary to process the drawing in the first three to four days several times a day.
Another drawback is associated with wearing a peculiar style of clothing. It is advisable to wear loose-fitting cotton pajama-type shirts. First of all, clothing should not be attached to the body or cause friction. Otherwise, additional irritation and itching will appear. Therefore, having planned a tattoo on the back, it is better to immediately consider the possibility of a two-week vacation, which is necessary for comfortable healing of the skin. At this time, it is advisable to use household items on which stains that cannot be washed may appear.
For some time, you will also have to forget about sleeping on your back, so as not to inadvertently tear off the formed crusts, the presence of which indicates a process of healing normal. However, all the unpleasant nuances end in the first three weeks, after which a high-quality and durable tattoo remains.