A tattoo is a great way to stand out and highlight your originality. But what if you don't want to get a tattoo once and for life? For those who often change their taste, style and lifestyle, a henna tattoo will be an excellent solution.
In this article, you will learn about the important features of a henna tattoo.
Henna Temporary Tattoo Features
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Mehendi (or mehndi) is a tattoo that uses a natural component of henna that remains on the body for approximately three weeks. This type of tattoo originated in India where warriors, monks and brides were tattooed on the body. For Indian brides, henna tattoos mean a lot - the more interesting the patterns on the body, the richer the bride.
Now henna tattoos have gained popularity in the West for their originality, safety and painlessness.
Henna Tattoo Benefits
The main advantage of a henna tattoo over a standard temporary tattoo is the natural composition of the dye. For an ordinary temporary tattoo, a chemical composition is used that loses its color over time, but subsequently still requires professional removal.
For henna tattoos, only natural ingredients are used: directly henna, tea, coffee, lemon juice and various oils.
With the help of tea, the master adjusts the amount of dye red to the tattoo and the coffee adds a brown tint to the tattoo.
The tattoo lasts for three weeks, which is a great alternative for those who are afraid or don't want to get a real tattoo.
Henna tattoos can be applied to any part of the body with a pattern of any size.
Disadvantages of Henna tattoos
To make a high-quality tattoo, the master must have only good, finely ground henna, the right shade of green, and this is not so easy.
The tattoo only lasts 3-4 weeks which is a disadvantage for some.
For beginners, preparing a composition of the correct consistency can cause some difficulty.
Naturally, the henna tattoo is contraindicated for all people who suffer from any skin disease (acne, dermatitis, etc.).
If a ready-made paste is used for a tattoo, then its composition can cause an allergic reaction.
Allergies can also be caused by the repeated application of henna tattoos to the same place on the body.
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