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Phoenix tattoo: sketches for men – women, interesting drawings, meanings

Phoenix tattoo: sketches for men – women, interesting drawings, meanings

eskizy tattoo feniks

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Mysterious a fantastic bird, which is a symbol of fire, resurrection and new life, one of the most popular motifs for a tattoo.

People choose sketches of a phoenix tattoo, thanks to the legendary history of its appearance.

Humanity's desire for eternal life and rebirth determines the spread of drawing throughout the world.

About the drawing

A large number of stories associated with the firebird cause stable positive associations when pronouncing the word phoenix. The meanings of the tattoo are as follows:

  • cyclicity of life and renewal;
  • immortality;
  • rebirth and strength;
  • will to win;
  • endurance and patience.

To learn more about the meaning of a tattoo with a phoenix, we advise you to read the legend about the fire bird. It is worth noting that the work of applying the image is quite difficult, so you need to carefully choose the master.

There is no definite place for the location of the tattoo with a magical bird, but given a large number of details, it is advisable to choose back either chest.

We have collected popular sketches so that you can choose the appropriate option.


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